Advantages of Using Asphalt for Paving

Asphalt is one of the most remarkable raw materials that can be used in construction due to its versatility. When used in the construction of roads, it reduces the amount of dust that goes up into the air. Facts by engineers show that vehicles travelling at a speed of 30mph can raise dust up to 4 ½ pounds for every mile travelled. This shows that paving roads helps to reduce air pollution as well as road destruction by a big margin. In addition, Asphalt helps reduce or stop soil pollution when it is used to line sanitary and hazardous waste landfills according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
People in ancient times also knew the value of Asphalt and they used it for various purposes; for instance, the Egyptians used liquid asphalt to embalm mummies since they found it to be effective in preservation. Compared to other materials used in road construction, Asphalt is ideal since it can be recycled which helps to preserve natural resources. It is estimated that 80 million tons of asphalt pavements are recycled yearly.
When used for commercial and residential construction, Asphalt has a lot of advantages. One of its main benefits is that it is cheaper compared to other paving materials, making it easy to install even on a limited budget. Another advantage is that it is usually available in many colors hence it can fit any theme and style in your residential or commercial area. Once asphalt has been installed, users have little to worry about since maintenance is quite easy and cheap. Its installation also costs much less compared to other materials.
Asphalt is ideal for all areas either on the outside or on wet areas. It is skid and slip resistant and poses less threat of accidents. It is also highly durable and is expected to offer long service even in areas with high traffic. When it starts to wear off, the material can be recycled again. When asphalt is used on roads, it reduces splash and tire spray in wet weather and also does not hold on to water, but allows it to flow.
In case you are wondering what Asphalt pavements are, this is a combination of aggregate rocks and liquid Asphalt or asphalt cement. The rocks give pavements, their solid yet flexible structure that easily withstands pressure and weight and recovers from it quite easily. On the other hand, the cement binds everything together and keeps the rocks in place.
If you would like to have this pavement installed at your residence or commercial area, all you need is to give us a call on 021 300 1981. We are well known for our excellent paving and reliable solutions. We have many customers who are satisfied with the work we do and our prices are pocket friendly.